Mengbing Li


University of Michigan School of Public Health

1415 Washington Heights

Ann Arbor, MI 48109

I am a final-year PhD student in the Department of Biostatistics at the University of Michigan, working with Dr. Zhenke Wu. I got my bachelor’s degree in biostatistics from UNC-Chapel Hill. My interests lie in designing and applying statistical methods to individualized health; in particular, incorporating structural prior information into Bayesian models. My current focus is on topic models, latent class models, and reinforcement learning. I have worked on methods to evaluate treatment rules in mobile health studies, to facilitate patient health monitoring using medical claims data, and to derive dietary patterns using food survey data.


Methods: Latent variable models; Graphical models; Nonparametric Bayes; Bayesian computation; Reinforcement learning.

Applications: Individualized medicine; Mobile health; Nutritional epidemiology; Electronic health records/claims data; Health policy.

I love the nature and enjoy the outdoors. What do I do outside of research?

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